1. Reiterating Marine Notice No. 20/2020, the law stipulates mandatory requirements concerning the importation
    of ships into Fiji. This Marine Notice serves to highlight and fortify a few of these key compulsory requirements
    within that process, amongst other legislated requirements.
  2. Pursuant to section 4 (4) & (5) of the Ships Registration Act 2013, the prior written approval of the Minister of
    Transport is required for the registration of second-hand ships that are over 20 years old and wish to trade for
    commercial purposes within Fiji.
  3. It is strongly advised that a person and or entity must comply with Paragraph 2 above prior to entering into
    any form of agreement in relation to the procurement/purchase and importation of a subject ship for
    commercial purpose.
  4. Furthermore, it is important to note that, as part of the process, intending owners need to be aware of
    paragraph 1.12.1 of the Maritime (Fiji Maritime Code) Regulation 2014, which mandates that before a ship is
    built or an existing ship is purchased or substantially altered, the owner or intending owner shall contact the
    Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji (the Authority) and provide certain information which would allow the Authority
    to carry out an initial assessment of the ship.
  5. Once the above is complied with, the Authority will thereafter seek approval from the Minister of Transport,
    before procurement and importation can proceed.
  6. The Authority and the Ministry of Commerce, Trade, Tourism & Transport, will not be responsible for any
    dealings entered into by any person or entity for the procurement and importation into Fiji of ships for
    commercial purpose, that are 20 years old or more, which do not comply with the above-mentioned and do
    not have the Minister’s prior written approval.
  7. Any queries or need for clarification may be directed to the Manager Ships Inspection, Mr Sesoni Komaisoso,
    on mobile no. 9981 219 or email at

November 17th 202

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