THE Commander Fiji Navy Captain Humphrey Tawake today paid a courtesy visit to MSAF’s Chief Executive Officer Mr Simon Gravenall. The meeting allowed Mr Gravenall and Capt. (N) Tawake to discuss matters that will strengthen ties between MSAF and the Fiji Navy as Fiji’s leading maritime agencies.

With the heavy dependency of Fijians on maritime travel, the meeting of the two heads of organisations could not have come at a better time, as Fiji is still in the inter-island travel peak season, thus, the discussions touched on MSAF’s MOU with the Fiji Navy for cooperation including the use of naval personnel who have the power to act as enforcement officers out at sea.

Mr Gravenall was pleased with the outcome of the visitation and reaffirmed MSAF’s commitment in working with the Fiji Navy in all areas of maritime to benefit Fiji.

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